Public Data

The Factbook contains current and historical data about Sonoma County Junior College District. We currently have information on student enrollment, degrees and completions, courses, admission and financial aid, tuition and required fees, and employees. The figures found here may differ from those found elsewhere due to population definitions and timing of data collection.


Historical Enrollments by Semester

Click on the thumbnail to learn about the growth of our College from its beginnings in 1918 to the present day.

Historical Enrollments link

Student Headcount Comparison - Current Semester

This visualization compares the non-duplicated student headcount for the current semester against the same semester for the last four years. The numbers are dis-aggregated by student demographics as well as the High School they graduated from and the campus locations of the courses they are enrolled in SRJC.

Student Headcount Comparison - link

Sonoma County Junior College District - Campus Locations

See the main campus locations of the SCJCD together with the Google Maps view and a brief description of each campus. The street address and the main phone number of each campus may also be found here.


SRJC Campus Locations - link

Grade Distribution in Credit Courses

What are the grades dis-aggregated by a large variety of factors like student demographics, campus location, course, etc? Find out here. Dis-aggregated completion rates and retention rates are also shown. Data for the last nine academic years is available here.


Credit Courses Grade Distribution - link

Non-credit Course Enrollments and Headcounts

Data for the last four academic years is available here.


Non Credit Enrollments and Headcounts - link

Credit Course Enrollments and Headcounts

Data for the last four academic years is available here.


Credit Courses Enrollments and Headcounts - link

Non-credit to Credit Conversion Rates

Find out here how many students taking non-credit courses in one semester start taking credit courses in the consecutive semesters. Data for the non-credit ESL and CSKLS courses for the last ten years is shown here.


Non Credit to Credit Conversion Rates - link

Grades, Completions, Retention for Non Credit Courses

Find out what are the grades for non-credit courses at SRJC (yes, non-credit courses may be graded too). Dis-aggregated completion rates and retention rates are also shown. Data for the last nine academic years is available here.


Non Credit Courses Grade Distribution - link

High School Enrollments - Concurrent and New

Find out what are the grades for non-credit courses at SRJC (yes, non-credit courses may be graded too). Dis-aggregated completion rates and retention rates are also shown. Data for the last nine academic years is available here.


Concurrent and New Enrollments from High School Students - link

Term to Term Persistence

Persistence (i.e. enrollments in consecutive terms) for new and continuing students, dis-aggregated by the usual demographics factors as well as various matriculation aspects. The data spans the last seven years.


Term to Term persistence

Term to Term Persistence - by Campus Location

Persistence (i.e. enrollments in consecutive terms) for new and continuing students, dis-aggregated by the usual demographics factors as well as various matriculation aspects. The data spans the last seven years.


Term to Term persistence


Various data visualizations that show the annual and semester student headcounts comparisons for the last 6 years.


Various Enrollments Visualizations - link

Sonoma County Junior College District Employees

Various visualizations that summarize the positions and demographics of the District employees.


SRJC Employee Demographics - link

Degrees and Certificates

The degrees and Certificates granted by SRJC.


Degrees and Certificates - link

Time to Degree (with Matriculation Information)

Average and Median times to get a degree at SRJC (for various population groups and various degree types)


Time to Degree with Matriculation Information - link

Concurrent to New Enrollment Conversions

Percentages of High School concurrent students who enroll as new after they graduate High School.


Concurrent to New conversions - link

HS College Going Rate

Percentages of public High School graduates in Sonoma County who enroll at SRJC in the Fall semester after HS graduation.


HS College going rates - link

Transfers to Four Year Institutions

Numbers of students who transfer to four year universities each year. Includes California State University system, University of California system, In State Private and Out of State institutions.


Transfers to universities - link